Thursday, January 15, 2009

More WoW plus some disappointment

So on WoW today I was just sitting around when a GM said to everyone, "message me if you want to have fun". At first I was a little hesitant, as it sounded like the beginning of a law and order episode, but I went. Much to my surprise it was PvP, Alliance vs. Horde, though the Horde was sadly defeated as the Alliance side had 2 Death Knights, a Paladin, a Warrior and a Priest, while the Horde side had 2 Warriors, a Paladin, a Shaman and a Mage. I killed off one of the Death Knights but then I was ganged up on. Though it wasn't all bad, the winning team recieved whatever item in the game they wanted, but the losing team got to pick whatever mount they wanted, I picked the Brutal Nether Drake, which requires 300 riding skill, which costs 5000 gold to train, but it moves 310% faster in the air, and 100% faster on ground.

WoW isn't the only thing I've played today, I have also played Halo, which I played online with my friends Kayleb and Joey. We didn't win much but we were fairly rusty as none of us had played since last weekend, and we kind of started on Team Snipers, which was a bad idea considering the fact we hadn't played for a bit, but oh well, we had our fun.

So what was the disappointing part of today? Well I was just getting to that so calm down. You see theres this guy in Final Fantasy XI named Overlord Bakgodek, he's the king of orcs and he spawns once ever 21-24 hours, and theres a chance that his underling, Orcish Overlord, will spawn. The disappointing thing is, he spawned today, but now you're thinking, "Hey Andrew, isn't that a good thing?" and I say, normally yes. This time? No. This is because when he spawned I was eating dinner, so I wasn't on to fight him so I will not profit from the axe that he drops, which is called Juggernaut, "insert quote here". Before people start asking what WAR and BST are, they're jobs, Warrior and Beastmaster, and Beastmaster is exactly what you think it is. (and if you don't get it, they control beasts...)


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