Friday, January 9, 2009


Hi, I'm Andrew and I am a gamer. I don't claim to be terribly good at it, but I do pull it off. I play xbox 360, Final Fantasy XI and World of Warcraft. My gamertag is Tarupron, my character on FFXI is Gylfie on Shiva and on World of Warcraft I play on a free server called Gates of Apocalypse, and my name there is also Tarupron.

I've been playing games for several years, the longest one is FFXI, which I have been playing for about 5 years. I have 4 jobs at the max level, which is 75. Currently I am a Commander grade 3 in Halo, but that doesn't matter because I have a katana so it makes me better than everyone else.


Jenn Larock said...

good luck with your games.

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